Kentucky Caucus Information


  • Wednesday, February 5 ~ Fahe Office, 319 Oak St., Berea – 9:30 am-3 pm ET – Caucus Packet
  • Wednesday, June 18 ~ Highlands Housing, 362 Old Whitley Rd, London – 10am – 3pm ET
  • Wednesday, November 5
  • (previous year Caucus information found at the bottom of the page)

Registration for the 2025 Southeastern Affordable Housing Management Association (SAHMA) Conference: Kentucky is now open!

The conference will be held Thursday and Friday, April 10 and 11, 2025, at the Louisville Marriott Downtown. 

All owners/agents (for-profit or nonprofit), service coordinators, management, and maintenance staff of Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC), housing authority, and rural housing properties and of properties subsidized or insured by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) are invited to attend.
Register for the Conference
Reserve a Hotel Room

From the Governor’s Office – Team KY Partnership

The Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development (CED) partnered with nonprofit Grant Ready Kentucky (GRKY) to ensure communities have the resources needed to leverage federal grants and fund innovative projects across the commonwealth, including infrastructure upgrades, creation of recreational facilities, increased childcare access, and public transportation, among other eligible uses. The partnership builds on the Governor’s mission to strengthen the state’s communities by helping them increase their chances of winning competitive federal grant funding, which makes our New Kentucky Home an even better place to live, work and invest.

For more information about Grant Ready Kentucky, visit

To request grant writing support or education, book a free office hour with an expert grant coach at

For more information about the Kentucky GRANT Program of 2024, visit the Cabinet’s dedicated website at To find the local Area Development District that serves your county, visit this GRKY resource:

Mental Health & Housing Training – April 17, 10am – Webinar

The Kentucky Fair Housing Council (KFHC) will offer a free three-hour webinar at 10 a.m. ET April 17, 2025, designed for housing providers and social service providers. 

The training is designed for landlords, property managers, and service providers, but anyone who wants to learn about fair housing rights is welcome.

Certificates will be available for attendees who complete an online survey after the training.

Register for the Training

Center for Rural Development accepting applications for 2025 ARC mini-grants – Deadline May 2

The Center for Rural Development is accepting grant applications for the 2025 Kentucky Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) mini-grant program. The mini-grant program (sometimes referred to as the Flex-E-Grant program) is open to qualified local units of government and non-profit entities in Bath, Bell, Breathitt, Carter, Casey, Clay, Clinton, Elliott, Estill, Floyd, Harlan, Jackson, Johnson, Knott, Knox, Lawrence, Lee, Leslie, Letcher, Magoffin, Martin, McCreary, Menifee, Metcalfe, Morgan, Owsley, Perry, Pike, Rockcastle, Rowan, Russell, Wayne, Whitley, and Wolfe Counties for capacity building planning and implementation projects. Read More Here

Disaster Reconstruction Funds Update – View our current list of disaster declarations by county to see if your area is eligible. Eligibility rules for those applying for DRP funds include:

Allowable expenses include construction, acquisition, or repair of a primary residence, which must be a single-family detached home or manufactured home permanently attached to a fixed foundation and taxed as real property where the applicant is the owner of record. FHLB funds cannot be used for expenses covered by insurance or state or federal emergency management agencies.

Eligible households have either been displaced or suffered damage to their primary residence by a federally or state declared disaster occurring within the Fifth District.

Household income must be less than or equal to 100 percent of the applicable Mortgage Revenue Bond income limits. In Hamilton County, Tenn., for a family of one or two persons, the limit is $67,800 and for a family of three or more, the limit is $77,970.

Federal Grant Deadlines for 2025

Appalachian Regional Commission 2025
ARC Pre-Applications are due September 1, 2025 – October 31, 2025 for FY2026 consideration.

Delta Regional Authority
Please contact your respective ADDs
Land and Water Conservation Fund – March 1, 2025 – May 31, 2025

Recreational Trails Program – March 1, 2025 – May 31, 2025​

Community Development Block Grant
Applications in all program areas will be accepted in the following dates:
Community Projects – April 1, 2025 – September 2, 2025
Housing – April 1, 2025 – January 30, 2026
Economic Development – April 1, 2025 – January ​30, 2026
Public Facilities – April 1, 2025 – September 2, 2025
Public Services – April 1, 2025 – January 31, 2026​​​​

Every year, HCA Partner Agencies receiving program funds through HCA are required to complete the Annual Program Compliance Report (APCR). If your agency has current funding from one or more of the HCA programs below, you must complete the APCR for the fiscal year 2025. The APCR is now available. Follow the instructions below to access and complete the APCR.
Current funding is defined as funding received after July 1, 2024, or unexpended funds from a previous award for which the grant was not closed out by June 30, 2024, for the following programs:

  • HOME Single-Family only (DO NOT INCLUDE multifamily OR rental property projects)
  • AHTF Single-Family only (DO NOT INCLUDE multifamily OR rental property projects)
  • RHTF Single-Family only (DO NOT INCLUDE multifamily OR rental property projects)
  • Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)
  • Continuum of Care (CoC)
  • Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA)

The APCR is a compliance monitoring tool that KHC uses to assess an agency’s ability to meet federal, state, and KHC compliance requirements. In addition to assessing your compliance with specific program requirements, completing, and submitting the report correctly evidences your agency’s knowledge of your grant allocation(s) as well as your ability to follow specific written instructions. KHC Technical and Quality Assurance staff will review the submissions and compare the information received to the information in our databases. Each agency will be “graded” for compliance red flags, which become part of the agency’s score on the Annual Compliance Risk Assessment, which is used to prioritize on-site compliance reviews.

The APCR is online. The link has been posted to the HCA Partner Agency Portal under Compliance > Annual Program Compliance Report (APCR) > FY2025. Each agency that receives current funding for one of the above programs must go to the HCA Partner Agency Portal and complete the online APCR per the instructions and submit accordingly. 

Multifamily Development Team Capacity Applications – NOW OPEN
Any development team member (developer, co-developer, consultant, or management company) intending to participate in a multifamily project application to be submitted in calendar year 2025 who has not received a capacity approval letter from KHC or whose capacity approval letter has expired must submit a Development Team Capacity Application. The Development Team Capacity Application for 2025 is now open. 
Capacity applications are due no fewer than 60 days prior to the submission deadline for any given funding application.
As a reminder, credit review documents submitted with the capacity application are valid for only six months.  Applicants should plan to submit a capacity application within six months of any anticipated funding application submission if requesting KHC funds. Otherwise, the credit review documents may have to be resubmitted with the funding application. 
If you have any questions, please email Terry Helton, KHC’s managing director of Multifamily Programs, at [email protected].

Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) is pleased to announce the funding awards for the 2025 competitive multifamily funding round for Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (Housing Credits) and other program resources. 

KHC received 15 applications requesting more than $14 million in Housing Credits and was able to fund 12 projects with: $13,518,130 of 2025 Housing Credits; $1,750,000 from KHC’s Affordable Housing Trust Fund (AHTF); and $1,000,000 from the National Housing Trust Fund (NHTF). This funding round supports the creation or preservation of 706 units of affordable rental housing in nine counties across Kentucky. A listing of awards is available on KHC’s website, under Partners > Developers > Multifamily Development > 2025 Multifamily Funding Report
Awardees are reminded that signed acceptance of the conditional funding award as well as payment of the 10% credit reservation fee are both due no later than 5 p.m. ET Thursday, February 20, 2025. Project applicants are encouraged to contact their assigned program specialist identified in the award notification for additional information regarding their project. KHC values our partnerships and appreciates all the applicants’ commitment to providing affordable housing in Kentucky.  
If you have any questions, please contact Terry Helton toll-free in Kentucky at 800-633-8896 or 502-564-7630, extension 253; TTY 711; or [email protected]

Housing Contract Administration (HCA) is committed to assisting partner agencies in the successful administration of their grant programs. Part of that commitment involves training. KHC succeeds when our partner agencies succeed, and although it is an agency’s responsibility to train their board, leadership, and staff, KHC will make training resources available to help ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and grants management best practices. Some of these on-demand trainings will be mandatory and others optional. To that extent, below is some additional information regarding the recent and upcoming board trainings offered via HCA’s LearnUpon learning management system (LMS).
  • While KHC strongly encourages all board members and agency leadership to watch the HCA mandatory board trainings, compliance with the board training requirement can be achieved once the President/Board Chair, the Treasurer, and a member of agency leadership (defined by the agency) have completed the trainings.  
  • Waivers from mandatory board trainings can be requested by submitting a waiver request through the draw management system that describes the date(s) and type(s) of training already provided to agency board members. Please note: HCA may request follow-up information upon submission of the waiver form.   
  • Agencies experiencing difficulty with board members logging into the LearnUpon LMS may request that the video be sent via the KHC File Share drop box instead. Submit your request through the HCA Partner Agency Portal. If using a shared video, please send a list of board members who watched it to [email protected].
  • Agencies may also show training videos to their board members in a group setting, such as a board meeting. If doing so, please send an email listing the training video, the date it was shown, and the attendees to [email protected]
  • Agencies needing an extension on completing these trainings may send a request by email to [email protected].

Beginning October 1, 2024, the Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) Multifamily Compliance staff and inspection team will begin using a new inspection protocol known as NSPIRE, which is mandated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). All units with Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC), HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME), National Housing Trust Fund (NHTF), Affordable Housing Trust Fund (AHTF), and any other funding source monitored by KHC will receive an NSPIRE inspection. All other inspection protocols will be obsolete.  For any questions moving forward, please contact Aaron Watkins, manager of Multifamily Compliance, at [email protected] or 502-564-7630, ext. 785. 
For more information and trainings, click the following links:

KHC NSPIRE YouTube Training

​​​​​​​​​​​​KAHC24 - August 2024 - Louisville
​ ​

Video recordings and presentations from the 2024 Kentucky Affordable Housing Conference  (KAHC24) are now available. Check the #KAHC24 app or Attendee Hub web version to view the videos, handouts, and PowerPoints. For your convenience, we also pulled out a few recordings from the Housing Supply Gap Analysis track that may be of interest to you. Access Videos and Presentations

Phase II Findings of Housing Supply Gap Analysis Show Kentucky Will Need 287,000 More Housing Units by 2029

By 2029, Kentucky will need 287,120 more housing units to serve its projected population needs, according to the Kentucky Housing Supply Gap Analysis Phase II results, announced Tuesday in a webinar by Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) and Bowen National Research (Bowen).
Phase II builds upon the current housing supply gap findings released in April 2024. It surveyed the projected housing needs of each Kentucky county through 2029 and also factored in issues that impact housing including commuting, employment and economic development, income, rental supply and the age of homes and buildings, and natural disasters.  
KHC and Bowen previewed the results in late August at the Kentucky Affordable Housing Conference to nearly 700 housing professionals in Louisville.  

In 2024, the current gaps are 206,207 overall units:
101,569 rental units
104,638 for-sale homes 

In 2029, the projected gaps are 287,120 overall units:
139,162 rental units
147,958 for-sale units

The factors contributing to housing supply shortages over the next five years include renters who need more space (household growth) and those who cannot afford their homes (severely cost
burdened), both of which can help shape affordable housing construction and decision-making in the next few years.

Learn more at

The 2024 legislative session has finally ended. Be sure to visit the HHCK bill tracker to see how all the bills we were watching did at the conclusion of the 2024 session. As you know, we spent time advocating for and against several key bills this session. Now that the dust has settled and vetoes were written and subsequently overridden, we can share how everything finally shook out. First we’ll say one more time: THANK YOU for your help in working to make sure our neighbors needs are heard and prioritized. Thank you for sending emails, making phone calls and sharing information with neighbors. Here’s our final #KYGA24 update: 


HOME/AHTF/RHTF Single Family Production Radon Policy Implementation Webinar Now Available on LMS KHC’s Single-Family Development Radon Policy webinar recorded May 13, 2024, is now available on the Learning Management System (LMS). This session dives into the new radon requirements and equips developers with tools to ensure compliance across all homebuyer activities. The policy is effective for HOME, Affordable Housing Trust Fund (AHTF), and Rural Housing Trust Fund (RHTF) homebuyer units.  First time LMS users: please visit this link to register for access to the webinar.
If you have already been enrolled in the KHC LearnUpon LMS system through our Kentucky Homeless Management Information System (KYHMIS) or KY Balance of State Continuum of Care (BoS CoC) side, please follow these steps: Login with existing credentials: Log in to the Single-Family side using the same credentials you have for the other LMS program. Use home portal credentials: If you have registered on a different LMS portal with Kentucky Housing, such as KYHMIS or the KY Balance of State COC, consider it your home portal. Use the same email address and password to register. If you registered on both, the one you registered with first is your “Home” site. After logging in, please email [email protected] for access to the Single-Family Production courses.
HUD/KHC Policy Mandates Radon Consideration
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) recently announced its policy for addressing radon in the Environmental Review process with CPD Notice-23-103

Under this new policy, radon gas must be considered in the contamination and toxic substances analysis required under HUD’s contamination regulations at 24 CFR Part 50.3(i) and 58.5(i). The policy serves as an initial step toward advancing radon awareness and mitigation of the hazard in HUD-assisted housing.

Effective April 11, 2024, Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) has adopted strategies to assist grantees with the necessary consideration of radon. Not all projects are subject to radon compliance, such as those HUD declares as exempt from Environmental Review per 24 CFR 58.34(a) and those categorically excluded not subject to the federal laws and authorities per 24 CFR 58.35(b).

To ensure that all KHC-funded single family new construction units are radon mitigation ready, KHC’s Design and Construction Review division has updated their Minimum Design Standards to incorporate a radon reduction venting system for all units. It also provides guidance regarding the radon testing standards for multi-family buildings. It should be noted that addressing radon is considered a mitigating factor for the purposes of the environmental review process and should be considered as part of the project planning process as it will have impacts on both project budgets and timeframes.
You can find KHC’s Radon Policy effective April 11, 2024 here. Please email Jen Oberlin with any questions.
We are thrilled to introduce our latest training, the “Single-Family Development Partner Training,” on Kentucky Housing Corporation’s (KHC) new Learning Management System (LMS). This training provides a deep dive into single-family housing production. Explore setup and closeout procedures for HOME and AHTF home buyer activities, learn the advantages of being a CHDO, and see best practices for home repair setup and closeouts.

For first-time users, register directly for the Single-Family LMS using this link.

If you’ve already been a part of our KHC LearnUpon LMS system through the Kentucky Homeless Management Information System (KYHMIS) or KY Balance of State Continuum of Care (BoS CoC), transitioning to the Single-Family side is a breeze.

Login with Existing Credentials: Use your LearnUpon credentials to access the Single-Family side. Consider your initial registration on KYHMIS or KY BoS CoC as your home portal. Use the same email address and password to register for the Single-Family LMS. If you’ve registered on both, your “Home” site is the one you registered with first.

Forgot Your Password: You must go to your original “Home” portal to reset your password. For KYHMIS: Reset Password For KY BoS CoC: Reset Password

Portal Switcher for Seamless Navigation: Moving forward, it will not matter which link you use for log-in. Both portals will be displayed. Look for your profile icon (circle with your initials) on the top right of the screen. To the left of that icon is the portal switcher (triangle with a circle on the end of the points). Click it to effortlessly switch between KYHMIS, KY BoS CoC, and Single-Family LMS.

Please direct any questions to Jessica Shelton at [email protected].

Change in AHTF Home Repair Program Photo Link
Please use this link for all Home Repair Program initial photo submissions. Submit HR Initial Photos

2/6/23 – USDA 3-D Print Building Presentation Materials

From Rachel Chambers: Thank you to our partners who joined us to hear from Professor Eric Wooldridge and his colleagues regarding their research around 3-D printing. I am sharing the slides from the presentation and other materials for your perusal. Unfortunately, we did not get a Teams recording that we could share of this presentation. However, I will drop his contact information in this email for any follow-up: Eric Wooldridge, PE, RA, MSE, Professor, Somerset Community College ~ Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence: Office Phone: 606-451-6878; email: [email protected] ; website: