by Jim King
on March 20, 2019
As we discussed on the Member connection call, although we and others were successful advocating that the 2018 Farm Bill pass without stringent new work requirements leading to reduced investment in our region, that idea is back in the form of a regulatory change proposed at USDA. As before, we are glad to have a [...]
by Jim King
on March 12, 2019
The Latest Fahe advocacy to visit Washington for NLIHC meeting and Members are invited to join for visits on the HillPresident Trump releases budget proposal with major cuts in domestic investmentsAppropriations process underway, time to submit funding input to Congressional Representatives Longer Term Join Fahe advocacy to set network priorities and identify policy goals for [...]
by Jim King
on May 10, 2018
Fahe has put together model comments to help Members comment on AHP changes. We hope these will be helpful as you think about content and message. As they suggest, please make the comments your own, telling your own stories and making the points you want the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) to hear. [...]
by Jim King
on May 8, 2018
The U.S. House of Representatives has released a draft Farm Bill. It seeks to reduce costs, i.e. investments, in food for our region’s families, communities, and grocery stores coming through the SNAP (food stamp) program. It does this by imposing strict work requirements that are hard to meet in our communities where good jobs can [...]
by Jim King
on February 13, 2018
Fahe Members: As some of you have no doubt read, the President’s FY19 budget proposal again zeros out many of the programs we care about. Our advocacy update addresses this, and we believe Congress will not follow the President’s lead. In fact, right now, Congress is still working on the FY18 bill that must [...]