- Thursday, February 13 – Kingsport Housing Redevelopment Agency Riverview Place Community Center, 285 Louis St., Kingsport, TN 37660 10:00AM – 3:00PM EST – Parking Map / Caucus Packet
- Tuesday, June 17
- Thursday, November 13
- (previous Caucus information found at the bottom of the page)

From your Fahe Advocacy Team
The election is over and the landscape for the next administration is slowly coming into focus. As of the 14th, the AP called that Republicans have retained their narrow majority in the House of Representatives, resulting in a unified government. This means new faces in both elected and appointed positions and new policy and funding priorities.
Over the next 3 months as appointments are made, legislation is introduced, and the budget process begins, we’ll be reaching out to help you navigate these shifts. You can expect:
- Support in crafting messaging that speaks to these new audiences.
- Information on which programs may be poised for cuts or increases – and how you can influence these decisions.
- Opportunities to meet with the new staff in the Administration and Congress.
To be well-positioned to have these important conversations at the Federal, State and Local levels, it’s important to have good relationships with these folks. Remember one of Advocacy’s golden rules: Don’t let your first contact with an elected office be when you’re facing a problem or asking for something.
To help streamline this effort, each Caucus has sent letters of congratulations on your behalf to all of the Federal and State election winners in our footprint. In addition, Jim has sent letters of congratulations from the entire network to all the Federal representatives in our footprint. We are on track to send WELL over 100 letters! Which is fantastic!
But, we know that local decisions are where the rubber meets the road. So we have a small request:
To help ensure we engage at the local level too (where your relationships are VITAL) we’ve drafted basic letters of congratulations that you can modify for leaders (new or returning!).
- TN Local Election Congrats Template
- TN State House Letter
- TN State Senate Letter
- TN Federal House Letter
- TN Federal Senate Letter
You can use the templates as formatted, make modifications (remove logos etc.), or copy and paste to your own letterhead. What matters is that you take a few minutes to personalize and send a note (email or snail mail!) to your leaders. And, if possible, please tell your Fahe Advocacy Staff Member who you’ve reached out to! You can just shoot us a list, or cc us on emails. Whatever is easiest. If you’re not sure where to find good addresses (email or snail) for local winners, please let us know.
As always, we’re here to talk if you have questions or concerns. Otherwise, we look forward to hearing who you’re connecting with and supporting you in this transition over the months to come.

TDEC Brownfield Redevelopment Area Grant (BRAG)
The application window for the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation’s state-funded brownfield grant program is expected to open in early February 2025. Download the updated grant manual here. |
Pre-Application Webinars:
BRAG Program Manager Amy Dyman will go over the grant basics, application process, and answer questions at two pre-application webinars. Both sessions will have the same content, please plan to attend only one. Those who have been awarded BRAG funds in the previous grant cycle should plan to attend so they can apply for additional funding. |
- Tuesday, January 28 – 2 p.m. – 3 p.m. CST – Register Here
- Wednesday, January 29 – 10-11am CST – Register Here
The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation’s Division of Remediation oversees the Brownfield Redevelopment Area Grant (BRAG). The funding for this grant is authorized through the Rural Brownfields Investment Act (Pub. Ch. 86, effective July 1, 2023). The law promotes conservation of Tennessee’s agricultural, recreational, and open space lands by encouraging environmentally sound redevelopment of properties blighted by real or perceived contamination. Read More
FHLB-Cincinnati News
2025 Carol M. Peterson Updates – OPENS FEB. 3 – 10AM ET (9 AM CENTRAL)
- CMPHF Program Dates: Opening Monday, February 3, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. EST and closing on Monday, December 15, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. EST;
- Increase allowed administrative fee from 10 percent to 15 percent;
- Expand eligible repairs to include any work items that may impact/impair the overall habitability of the home;
- Allow eligible two-family dwellings participation for repairs made to the building exterior and/or owner-occupied unit;
- $1,000,000 maximum subsidy per member; and
- $750,000 maximum subsidy per project (member/sponsor pairing);
The proposed changes help align CMPHF program requirements with other FHLB Cincinnati programs to create consistency and ensure that program funds continue to support our sponsors and members in their efforts to meet the housing needs of senior and/or special needs households throughout our district.
Updated documents, forms and webinars for the 2025 CMPHF program will be available on the FHLB Cincinnati website at www.fhlbcin.com by December 20, 2024. Please contact the Housing and Community Investment Department at 888-345-2246 with any questions.
Disaster Reconstruction Funds Update – View our current list of disaster declarations by county to see if your area is eligible.
Eligibility rules for those applying for DRP funds include:
- Eligible households have either been displaced or suffered damage to their primary residence by a federally or state declared disaster occurring within the Fifth District.
- Household income must be less than or equal to 100 percent of the applicable Mortgage Revenue Bond income limits. In Hamilton County, Tenn., for a family of one or two persons, the limit is $67,800 and for a family of three or more, the limit is $77,970.
- Allowable expenses include construction, acquisition, or repair of a primary residence, which must be a single-family detached home or manufactured home permanently attached to a fixed foundation and taxed as real property where the applicant is the owner of record. FHLB funds cannot be used for expenses covered by insurance or state or federal emergency management agencies.
Disaster Resources:
Federal funding is available for emergency protective measures, including direct federal assistance for “Tennessee Tropical Storm Helene (EM-3620-TN)“. People with damage to their homes or personal property who live in the designated counties are encouraged to apply for assistance, which may include upfront funds to help with essential items like food, water, baby formula and other emergency supplies. Funds may also be available to repair storm-related damage to homes and personal property, as well as assistance to find a temporary place to stay.
There are three ways to apply for FEMA assistance:
- Online by visiting disasterassistance.gov
- Calling 1-800-621-3362
- Download and apply on the FEMA App
Homeowners and renters with damage to their home or personal property from previous disasters, whether they received FEMA funds or not, are still eligible to apply for and receive assistance for Hurricane Helene.
Voluntary organizations are also providing personnel and resources to the hardest hit areas. The American Red Cross has more than 850 trained disaster workers providing comfort and operating shelters. They are also helping find loved ones through their helpline 1-800-RED-CROSS (1-800-733-2767). If someone is missing a child related to this disaster or any other incident, they need to call 9-1-1 and then 1-800-THE-LOST to receive assistance from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
People can receive free services like cutting fallen trees, tarping roofs and mold mitigation with the help of Crisis Cleanup by calling 844-965-1386. The hotline is open through October 11 and can connect people with volunteers from local relief organizations, community groups and the faith-based community who may be able to assist.
The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation has established a hotline to coordinate reports of missing person in the affected by the flooding in Northeast Tennessee. Call 1-800-824-3463 to report a missing person. Callers should be prepared to relay as much information as possible including names, phone numbers, vehicle identification and last known whereabouts.

- Jan. 16 — HOME Homeownership Rehabilitation applications open
- Jan. 16 — THTF applications open
- Feb. 6 — HOME Homeownership applications open
- Feb. 27 — HOME Rental Development applications open
- Feb. 27 — THTF applications due
- Feb. 28 — HOME Homeownership Rehabilitation applications due
- March 14 — HOME Homeownership applications due
- March 27 — ESG applications due
Programs for Homeownership Partners
- Great Choice Home Loans & Great Choice Plus
- Homeownership for Heroes
- Homebuyer Education
- New Start Home Loans
Programs for Local Government & Nonprofit Partners
- Competitive Grants
- Creating Homes Initiative – 2
- Emergency Repair Program
- Emergency Solutions Grants
- Home Modifications and Ramps Program
- National Housing Trust Fund
- Rebuild & Recover
- Wed. Nov. 6, 2024 Caucus packet
- Thur. June 5, 2024 – CAUCUS PACKET
- Thur. Feb. 15, 2024 – Caucus Packet – (full) TN Legislation Bill Report
- Nov. 1, 2023 – packet
- June 7, 2023 – Caucus Packet
- Feb. 16, 2023 – CAUCUS PACKET, TN List of Legislators and FSAG